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Gall Bladder and Liver Cleanse: My Journey

(A Continuation...)

A month ago, agonizing stomach pains prompted me to seek medical assistance in Tel Hashomer (ER). Diagnosis was colic pain due to gall bladder stones. That was the assumption, and the next day I knew, I was summoned to a heap of diagnostic tests including an imperative abdominal ultrasound. Should I thank Israel’s health bureaucracy for extending my ultrasound and doctor’s appointment 2 weeks after my brief visit to the emergency room, that I was able to undergo a somewhat non-toxic gall bladder and liver cleansing? There is so much I’ve learned in this journey, let me share it with you.

The knowledge I did acquire from Andreas Moritz, author of the book, "The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush, "  was truly overwhelming. So are the hundreds of comments and support of many individuals, who had undergone the same program, I thank them for the valuable knowledge and experiences they shared. The courage I embodied are all from these wonderful people, God bless you all!

A day after my colic attack, I started my apple juice therapy. Gulping a glass of apple juice before meals three times a day didn’t bring an issue but the feeling of bloatness in the abdomen and loose bowel movement did.  It’s not something you can’t live with but it’s tolerable. I could literally drink apple juice for the rest of my life.

Preparation had to be 6 days but I decided that shortening this phase wouldn’t make any difference. Some people succeeded on expelling gall bladder and liver stones on the 4th day, I was determined to follow such suit. 

On the 3rd day, I drank the last glass of apple juice at 8am. I hardly ate anything during the day except for some fruits and intake of water.  At 2pm, I prepared my magnesium sulphate solution. Since Epsom salt was not available here in Tel-Aviv, I bought  "melach angli" in the Superpharm. It’s the only place where you could purchase this item, just don’t ever make the mistake of asking magnesium sulphate because most Israeli pharmacists don’t know what is it. Well, it actually took me 3 visits to the pharmacy, carrying printed photos of Epsom salt and magnesium citrate, before I procured 4 small bottles of this mineral.

The prescription of Mr. Moritz was  4 tbsp Epsom salt  dissolved in 3 glasses of water but I deliberately changed it to 3 tbsp Epsom salt + 1 cup apple juice + 2 glasses of water. You could blame it on my stubbornness for not following directions, but I succeeded masking the appalling taste. The next time I knew it, I was ready for the second dose after 2 hours.

Excitement filled me after ingesting the 2 doses of magnesium sulphate solution. After some gurgling in my stomach, I anticipated an early visit to the bathroom. It must have been just a wishful thinking because it never happened until 6am the next morning.

The second challenge came when I ingested the mixture of olive oil and grapefruit. If there is someone who would tell me that he liked this concoction, that person must be from outer space. This is the most disgusting drink I have taken in my entire life. Only desperate people would have the conviction to ingest such repulsive potion. It is a sad truth, I am one of them. My full intent was to save my gall bladder.

And the waiting period came. As I lie on bed, I imagined stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles, expelling out into the intestines. I rush to the bathroom and belched fifty brown calcified stones. They were small and the size of a pea. I was jumping from joy. Jumping…wake up, it’s only a dream.

The urgency to rush to the bathroom was heightened at 6am the next morning. This was the final moment and judgement time whether I would undergo cholesystectomy (removal of the gall bladder) or not.  The water I expelled must have been a liter, I felt so light after that flux. That was not bad at all, I did survive. The sad part was no stones were found in my feces.  I was optimistic, there were still 2 glasses left from the magnesium sulfate solution and that gives me ¾ times the luck I was waiting for.

At 11am, I had headache, total body weakness and sore buttocks from excessive visit to the bathroom. All my hope had finally abandoned me. Zero stones meant only one thing, a pending surgery awaits my future.

A scheduled operation for the removal of my gall bladder had been set on December 18 (2012).  The long wait had been interrupted with a series of antibiotic treatments for the gall bladder infection. Given no evidence that infection was caused by the gall bladder and liver flushing, still a possibility must not be discounted. In that case, one must assume a healthy pre-state condition of the gall bladder and liver before undergoing such cleansing procedure. Otherwise, be prepared to face the consequences of complications, such as infections.

If you’d ask me if I’d go through the cleansing process again in the future, my answer would definitely be YES. By eliminating harmful materials in the body, detoxification could boost the immune system, improve digestion, eliminate the cause of many chronic conditions and stimulate good health, energy, optimism, mobility and stamina. With this, it does prove that benefits outweigh the means.

This cleansing journey led me to a consequential change on my view about healthy diet. Am I prepared to a low fat diet for the rest of my life? It’s not like I’m given a choice, I was forced to it. How do I survive without a gall bladder? Learning how to cope may be effortless for some; but I am certainly not taking this lightly. This is the biggest challenge of my life. (bla,bla, bla) Just bring it on….healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, here I come!



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