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Awesome Sandals for 2012

Two things that go perfectly well together are sandals and summer.  The flexibility of sandals is outlandish, it just match any outfit you wear.  It is easy to wear and a real comfy when travelling.  Check out the latest styles of sandals we have for 2012.

Platform Sandals
Platform sandals are sandals with a thick, raised out sole where both the heel and the toes are raised, thus providing height to the wearer.

Thong Sandals
Simple, cheap, rubber sandals held on the feet with a two-piece strap, which is anchored to the top of the sole on the inside foot arch, between the big and second toes and on the outside near the heel.

Huaraches, traditional handmade Mexican sandals with woven leather tops, have been around for hundreds of years and were popular among Mexican villagers and peasants.


It runs the length of the sandal, though it’s thicker at the heel of the foot and thinner or flat near the toe.

Platform clogs or sandals  are often raised as high as 6 or even 8 inches right through between sole and insole.

The soles of espadrilles may be flat, platform or wedge shaped, and can be made of natural fiber or synthetic fiber rope, or flexible synthetic materials cast to resemble rope. Uppers may be made from nearly any substance, and may have open or closed toes, open or closed backs, and can be slip-on or tied to the ankle with laces.


Colon Cleansing on Losing Weight

After reading the ebook, The Weight Loss Cure (They Don’t Want You To Know About), Kevin Trudeau (author of the book mentioned) became one of my greatest inspiration and motivator on losing weight.  Reading Trudeau’s book will definitely transform you as it did to my life.

One of the most recommended ways to lost weight faster in the book was to do colon cleansing. This had been mentioned repeatedly in different chapters. The emphasis was to follow Simeon’s Candida cleanse. Candida albicans, by the way, are the most common digestive yeast and they are normally kept under control by good bacterias that thrive in the bowel, such as multiple strains of acidophilus. They become problematic when they proliferate and penetrate the intestinal wall and as a result, increase the levels of toxicity in the body. Candida yeast overgrowth is the one responsible for your insomnia, joint and muscle pain, persistent gas and bloating, recurrent bladder infections, recurrent vaginal yeast infections, sinus problems, sugar cravings, bad breath, blurred vision, brain fog, chemical sensitivity, fatigue, mood problems, food sensitivities and allergies.

It is a must to detoxify the body by means of colon cleansing. Some may associate it with the word fasting, but either way, the purpose is universal: to clean the body from toxins.

There are many colon-cleansing methods available in the market these days. The options are varied from colonic irrigation/colon hydrotherapy, oxygen cleanses, therapeutic clays, enemas, herbal colon cleansing supplements, laxatives and fiber cleanses. Much favour  is given to fiber cleanses because it exert strong health preserving effects beyond colon health, such as supporting a healthy heart and weight control.

I have compiled various natural cleansing diets which you could follow at home. This is strictly only for people with good general health condition; otherwise, consult your physician for any advice.
What determines how often you cleanse is the state of your health and whether you have done any cleansing before. It is recommended to have a yearly or twice yearly maintenance program of cleansing

1. 3 Day Cleansing Diet
      The cleanse restricts the amount of food you eat, thus forcing rapid detoxification. Body uses fat for energy.
Side Effects: fatigue and irritability
 1st day  Breakfast: 8 oz of green tea

               Lunch:  spinach salad topped with slices of red pepper and raw broccoli florets. Flavor with olive oil, lemon juice and cayenne pepper

                Dinner:  8oz of vegetable juice (carrots, beet, cabbage and ginger)
                              spinach salad topped with slices of red pepper and raw broccoli florets. Flavor with olive oil, lemon juice and cayenne pepper

Note: Drink a minimum of one gallon of distilled water during the day. Add 1 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar to your last 2 glasses of water

2nd day  Breakfast: 8 oz of green tea
                Lunch: 12oz of vegetable juice (carrots, beet, cabbage and ginger)

                Dinner: 12oz of vegetable juice (carrots, beet, cabbage and ginger)

Note: Drink a minimum of one gallon of distilled water during the day. Add 1 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar to your last 2 glasses of water

3rd day  Breakfast: 8 oz of green tea

                Lunch: 12oz of vegetable juice (carrots, beet, cabbage and ginger)

                Dinner: 12oz of vegetable juice (carrots, beet, cabbage and ginger)

Note: Drink a minimum of one gallon of distilled water during the day. Add 1 tsp. of organic apple cider vinegar to your last 2 glasses of water

2.  Lemonade cleansing diet
This was created in the 1940’s by Stanley Burroughs to treat ulcers. Now, it is popularly known as the Master Cleanse (popularized by

Start the day with a salt water flush (on an empty stomach) and end the day with a laxative tea. Doing this causes numerous bowel movements.

Salt Water Flush
Mix solution consisted of 2 tsps non-iodized sea salt and 1 quart warm pure water. Drink slowly and expect 2-3 bowel movements or even more, after.

Lemonade Drink
Mix lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. This will be the only sustenance while on the diet. This is usually performed for 10 days but for those who intend to follow it for only one day, drink the lemonade all day long whenever you’re hungry and finish with a salt water flush to induce bowel movements.

3. 21 Day Cleansing Diet
Diet consists of eating one solid meal a day, along with two liquid meals. It was recommended having a smoothie or freshly made juice for breakfast, a solid meal for lunch and a soup or a smoothie for dinner. Dr. Junger, creator of this diet, stresses the importance of eating a dinner that is easy to digest and leaving 12 hours between dinner and breakfast so that the body can fully enter into detoxification mode while you sleep.

4. Cleansing with Beets and Radishes
Add beats and radishes to your salads and sandwiches in generous amounts. Since they are very rich in fiber, they can very filling. Juicing them makes it possible to get more of their valuable nutrients.

Added Information:
One raw beet contains only 35 calories, with 2.3 grams of fiber, 13 milligrams of calcium, 266 milligrams of potassium, 4 milligrams of vitamin C, 89 micrograms of folate, 16 micrograms of beta-carotene, 27 international units of vitamin A and small amounts of other vitamins, minerals and amino acids. A beet also provides 105.5 milligrams of betaine, which may help support and detoxify the liver.

A cup of sliced, raw radishes contains 19 calories and 1.9 grams of fiber, 29 milligrams of calcium, 270 milligrams of potassium, 17.2 milligrams of vitamin C, 29 micrograms of folate and trace amounts of other nutrients.


Make Your Own Fashion Accessories

The ideas didn't come from out of the blue but from a fusion of multiple stories we had on a recent trip to Europe. On our trips to the Low Tartra mountains in Slovakia, my family was able to visit a nice cave near Banska Bystrica. After we finish the trip, I bought a memorabilia, that is a magnetic ring.

In the past, I've read a lot about magnetic rings and its health benefits. Who wouldn't want it if it will improve your blood circulation, and relieve pain and discomfort caused by arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome (I had it once and had surgery with it). So they say, there is really no evidence to conclude the effectuality of these therapies but who cares and who is waiting for the proof.  Many people had been skeptics also about the cure of tuberculosis years ago, now it does have cure and immunizations.

To cut the long story short, the magnetic rings I bought ended up FAKE. After I did invest buying some strings, wire-wrapped the stones (with the use of pliers) and wore it 24/7 around my neck, and just to discover that the stones were phony, it was a disheartening experience. For weeks,  I googled about stones and crystals, my obsession was killing me. Only until I found this amazing store, Stoneage, of jewels and crystals in Ramat Gan did I finally say, I calmed and subdued.

There are bountiful ideas on how to make your own fashion accessories. I suggest you follow your instincts and passion in life because these are the things that could give you great inspirations. Creating is also a form of expression. Your creations are a way to show who you are, what you do and what you believe in life. Don’t limit yourself from expressing what you want in life and you want life to do for you. Life is boundless, if you only believe in its magnitude.

The most popular fashion accessories right now are jewelleries made of beads and gemstones. Well, since stone jewelleries have more allure for me, I intend to focus on this subject alone. With a hundred choices of stones, you could create almost any fashion accessory you want.  So let’s begin with the stone.

As for my personal choice, I have bought an amethyst (the Aquarian birthstone), citrine, pyrite and a hematite (that’s the name of the original magnetic stone). These stones do come in many packages...some are tumbled, with clasps and others come like a chunk of solid rock. Your target is to find something that will hold them securely so you could hang them on your body. The Allenby street in Tel-Aviv is a haven for this jewelry findings and embellishments. One good example is this photo:

From many sides you could create ways on how to hang or connect your jewel. One of the best ways is to wire wrap your stones, especially if they don’t have holes where you could connect strings or chains on it.

To be honest, this is not the easy path. I have tried it myself and although my work did come out impressively nice (especially for beginners), many flaws were distinctively recognizable. It takes a lot of practice to make such skillful manipulation of your pliers and your wires to come up with really decent and presentable jewelry.

My second option is the use of strings. This is helpful when your stones have holes in it already. Beads come amazingly beautiful when created in this combination. 

Beads could be used as single bezels to hold your stones as well.  I have seen many tutorials in YouTube describing this technique. Many forums in the internet are dedicated to these special artworks as well.

The last option, the one I have used to create my first stone jewelry was the use of spiral metal cases for gems.  Most crystal stone stores sell it and they come in different sizes. I found this precious metal in Stoneage (address: 4 Aba Hillel Street, Ramat Gan) and I consider it as the best solution to create a nice pendant.

And this is the final art work I have finished. Judge for yourself if you think it is inspiring to make your own accessories at home.


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