photo credit: jdurham at and
It's time to make resolutions for 2012. This may sound like an old song played over and over, a mantra if you would like to say. My four goals last year turned out to be a total smashout. Yes, I do have awful excuses to make and I know noone wants to listen to it (I'd reserve it for my good friend Valery, who never fails to listen to my craps) and yet I insist to mention the sensibility of my uncommitment to my vows last 2011.
It's not that I haven't tried fulfilling them but I just had the kick to follow them at the end part of the year (blame it to procrastination again).
2. Eat healthy foods Lose weight
That's not what was purposedly in my mind. What I'm aiming for was to really lose weight and I kind of failed in this aspect. After a brief perk of following a vegetarian diet (actually lost 5 kilos), I lost the drive to continue this eating regimen. It wasn't easy after all and I had been inconsistent. At least, I have to get some incentive for trying. Didn't I mention I lost 5 kilos?
My goal is to lose 15 kilos permanently. Whatever it takes, there should be a new slimmer, stronger and healthier Elaine Bloch for 2013.
3. Avoid procrastination Set time bound goals and reward self when task is accomplished.
I'll write something about it later. Seriously, is there a way to beat and cure procrastination? I've read the book of researcher, Dr. Piers Steel, The Procrastination Equation, which emphasized ways on how to overcome procrastination, it's destructive patterns that limits us create happy and positive lives.
The research lead me to uncovered debates and theories connoting procrastination being related to physical disorders and brain lesions. It does sound complicated but the good news is that they found a way to evercome it. The cure doesn't come in bottles but on one's willingness to become a better person.
Oh, this one reminds me of Algebra, but the solution is imminent visually. Motivation is the key to overcome procrastination. We need to increase our motivation on every task we are tempted to procrastinate. And to do that, we have to elevate the optimism of success of our task, incorporate fun and pleasure in doing the task and taking steps to stop impulsiveness.
Yes, that doesn't sound cool and easy and makes it like a goal of a lifetime. It's time to rephrase my goal for 2012 to increase motivation. My plan would be to create time bound goals and reward myself when task is accomplished. Those rewards are something to look forward let's get moving and keep the spirit high!
4. Blog more
I've ended the year productively by reviving the life of this blog. The design had been changed and more creative contents were posted. SEO optimimization was achieved with the help of Mailchimps, I couldn't ask for more. But there is still another blog (In My Kitchen) and integration of Ecwid (an ecommerce platform) that I have to deal with. It will be a busy year.
5. Read more
It's not that I am saying goodbye to audiobooks (I'm in love with them) permanently but I've missed the feeling of holding a real book, the feeling of having the time to pause and speculate over things, and feel the words. I've made a long list of books I want to read for this year and some of them would have to be reviewed here in my blog. The first review would be Cathy Glass' book entitled "Damaged" so don't miss out.
Happy New Year again to everyone!

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