There is a
strong debate on which method helps people lose weight faster, is it diet or
Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest
First, let
us dissect EXERCISE. Weight trainers, body fitness enthusiasts defend that the
more you build muscles on your body, the faster you burn calories and lose
weight. Well, to burn 1 kilo in a week, you are required to exercise intensely
and vigorously twice a day. This rigid training entails running and walking in
kilometers, lifting weights, stretching, pushups and crutches. Now, I could
read your mind. You simply do not have time for this regimen ("I am too
busy") and like you; I could find a thousand excuses not to engage in such
activity. We all know the reason to that; it is not an easy way to lose weight.
Do not argue, it is a fact!
Let us
consider the situation wherein there is no other way but to exercise, would you
still consider reading all the wondrous benefits it could give your body? Just
stay with me and do not count. Just keep on reading.
I guess I
have made my point, now let's go to DIET.
In many ways, many of us have done dieting in many phases. The most
popular diets we know that really work if followed religiously are South Beach
diet (a three-phase plan that starts with eating less carbohydrates, except for
essential vegetables, while consuming lean protein), GI (Glycemic Index) diet (for
diabetics), organic, Sonoma diet (consists of three different phases and
focuses on ten "power" foods such as lean protein, feta cheese,
almonds, bell peppers, blueberries, broccoli, grapes, olive oil, spinach,
strawberries, tomatoes, whole grains and wine), Jenny Craig diet (Jenny Craig
is a personal consultant that helps build a diet that works for each
individual's weight-loss needs and also serves as a motivator to stick with the
plan), Weight Watchers (There are two plans to choose from: a Flex plan that
lets a client eat the foods they want, but control the amount with a point
system; or a Core plan that doesn't tally points, but consists of only
nutritious food. ), vegetarian, detox, low carb diets, Atkins (has four phases
– all with a carefully controlled level of carbohydrate intake), Beverly Hills
(diet is based on a food combining principle called conscious-combining. The
main food group of the diet is fruit, but the diet has vegetable-only days,
fruit-only days, and other days when some starchy carbohydrate is allowed), HCG
(core of the HCG diet consists of extreme Calorie restriction of around 500
Calories a day mainly from lean protein and a daily injection of 125mg of the
HCG hormone. Other programs promote taking the hormone orally. The diet
proponents’ claim that the body will begin to burn fat reserves as the HCG
prevents the body from breaking down muscle for energy. They claim that dieters
can expect to lose “26 pounds in 26 days” with up to 3100 fat calories being
used for energy per day).
There seem
to be so many choices and yet people are unable to lose weight and if they did,
they gain the loss pounds back after a few months. Have you really read what I
have written? Yes, these diets really work IF you follow it RELIGIOUSLY. You
see, that is the hardest part. It may be teaching us what healthy eating is but
many diets are too restrictive and are not designed to be sustained over time.
Losing weight through dieting is not a quick fix but rather a more sensible and
long-term approach to a healthy lifestyle. Many are not prepared for this and
many people will always hunger for the forbidden.
Which do you
think has a more impact on losing weight, diet or exercise? Surprisingly, the
bigger influence on weight is your diet, not exercise. What if you exercise
like crazy, and you eat a diet that promotes fat-storage, you will probably
lose some weight (although many people do not). However, if you did no exercise
at all, but changed your diet to something that keeps your metabolism faster,
you would lose considerably more weight than the other scenario. The point is,
you should exercise, but GET THE RIGHT DIET IN PLACE FIRST!
Remember, both diet and exercise has the
importance in life. A well-balanced diet helps to make our body system work
effectively whereas exercise helps our body to revitalize. A combination of the
two is what you actually call, HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.
Article published in Focal Magazine, Issue No: 264, July 31, 2012
The audiobook, "How to Lose 30lbs in 30 Days" by
Kevin Trudeau had been a great eye opener for me. It has been in my mp4 for 2
years and I never had the drive to listen to it until a month ago when the
urgency to lose weight emerged. I have to admit that I am desperate to lose
weight, but I am assured that I am not alone in this feat. Many sane men and women are in this journey
all their life and they do everything and anything to achieve this goal. Many
of you must have tried everything to lose weight: all kinds of diets (low carb,
atkins, beach, water therapy), herbs, exercise, pills and still nothing helps.
We've been yoyo dieting, losing the fats and gaining it back; the idea is
appalling. If you are in the same situation as mine, it's time to consider some
serious thinking and venture on more effective approach. Our goal will be to
lose weight and to lose it forever!
I hope you are still with me because from this day on I am
dedicating this health column for all the persons determined to lose weight the
healthy and positive way. My countdown
starts on the publication of this article and I hope you'll join me in this quest.
And just for the records, I weigh 65 kilos now (height: 155cm), and my goal is
to lose 10 kg in 6 months. So let's
The first thing I learned was that, people are fat because
of slow metabolism. This means that fat people burns calories slower than thin
individuals. We don't need scientists to tell us that our metabolism slows with
age (OUCH!). But do you know that an average woman gains 1 1/2 pounds a year
during her adult life--enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she
doesn't combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss, and stress that
conspires to slow her fat-burning engine. That is a bitter fact, but there is
good news! There are foods that could boost up your metabolism.
1. Water
Drinking water actually speeds up weight loss and is a great
way to body detoxification. Many people have been interchanging sense of thirst
with hunger. Drinking a glass of water will greatly reduce any false hunger
pangs. The recommendation is to drink water upon waking up and to drink more consistently
during the day.
In a research conducted in Seattle, it was found that women
who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45 percent reduced risk
of colon cancer compared with women who drink two or fewer glasses of water a
Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent
chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces
inflammation and promotes cartilage health. It also slow the signs of aging and
improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity,
arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, and wrinkles.
2. Grapefruit
The study indicates that the unique chemical properties in
this vitamin C-packed citrus fruit reduce insulin levels, which promotes weight
loss and boost metabolism. It is also a storehouse of powerful phytochemicals
such as flavonoids, terpenes, and limonoids, which naturally have
cancer-preventing properties.
3. Green Tea
The researchers found that over a 24-hour period, green tea
extract intake increases the metabolic rate by 4%. These effects are probably
due to the high concentrations of catechin polyphenols found in green tea.
These work to help intensify levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis (the
rate at which your body burns calories).
It acts as a glucose regulator. It helps to slow the rise in
blood sugar after a meal and prevents high insulin spikes (lots of insulin
promotes fat storage).
Take precautions when you take high amounts of green tea
because it contains caffeine.
3. Oatmeals
These whole grains have fiber, various minerals (iron,
magnesium and thiamin) and phytonutrients. These phytonutrients include
lignans, plant sterols and stanols and antioxidants. The lignans are helpful in
protecting your heart while stanols help in normalizing blood cholesterol
levels. Eating about two bowls of oatmeal a day helps to reduce your
cholesterol levels by six points in three months.
Just be sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, not instant
oatmeal. Instant oatmeal usually has added sodium, and comes in the
unsweetened, sweetened, flavored and unflavored form. The sweetened and
flavored varieties have sugar, and so are not advisable in your goal to lose
If you get bored cooking oatmeal as a hot cereal with
cinnamon or milk, you could also bake oat brain using a low fat muffin recipe.
This brings some variety in your diet and makes you feel better eating instant
oatmeal while trying to reduce weight.
4. Hot Peppers
All peppers, specially the red ones are rich in vitamins A,
and C that helps prevent cell damage, cancer, and diseases related to aging.
They also reduce inflammation like that found in arthritis and asthma. It has
Vitamin K that promotes proper blood clotting, strengthens bones, and helps
protect cells from oxidative damage.
Red peppers are a good source of the carotenoid called
lycopene, which is earning a reputation for helping to prevent prostate cancer
as well as cancer of the bladder, cervix, and pancreas.
Beta-cryptoxanthin, another carotenoid in red peppers, is
holding promise for helping to prevent lung cancer related to smoking.
They contain capsaicin, which predominates in the white
membranes of peppers, that helps decrease blood cholesterol and triglycerides,
boost immunity, and reduce the risk of stomach ulcers. It used to be thought
that hot peppers aggravated ulcers. Instead, they may help kill bacteria in the
stomach that can lead to ulcers.
Both hot and sweet peppers contain substances that have been
shown to increase the body's heat production and oxygen consumption for about
20 minutes after eating. In effect it burns extra calories, which helps weight
5. Cinnamon
It is known as an "insulin mimicker", meaning it
reduces the amount of insulin your body produces after a meal, by transporting
sugar molecules into cells within the body. It also works on reducing the blood
cholesterol, thus causing "thermogenic burns". It burns the bad
cholesterol in the body and increases the good one.
It usually comes in sticks or powdered form. For some
variety, you could add cinnamon to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal, tea,
unsweetened applesauce, toast, butter or cream cheese and coffee.
6. Apple cider vinegar (acv)
Apple cider vinegar have been utilized for centuries as a
traditional concoction for losing weight. It is made from the double
fermentation of whole apples, keeping organic acids and enymes (pectin) that
aids in weight reduction by acting as an appetite suppressant. This substance mixes
with the water and expands in the stomach, which causes appetite to be
It does have a high amount of potassium in it. When taking
apple cider vinegar, the potassium helps to flush the sodium content out of the
body. This in turn can lead to less retained water and a loss of weight.
It contains acetic acid. When acetic acid comes in contact
with foods, it helps promote the absorption of iron. High iron absorption leads
to a high oxygen utilization, which ends up raising the metabolic rate. When
the metabolic rate is high, a lot of calories are burned, which causes weight
Many people don't know this but another way apple cider
vinegar helps with weight loss is through the release of proteins during the
digestive process. Tryptophan is a key amino acid that is released through this
process and it is in turn responsible for the release of serotonin, which is a
neurotransmitter and natural tranquilizer. When serotonin is produced, the body
is less likely to feel stress, which can lead to overeating.
Apple cider vinegar improves the elimination process in the
body. It helps reduce the transit time of fats in the stomach because it
improves digestion. This in turn leads to weight loss as less fat can be
absorbed by the body.
Intake of this vinegar may not illicit fast results, process
is slow but the outcome is permanent weight loss. As recommended by experts, 1
to 2 tsp. of apple cider vinegar should be taken with water or honey right
before a meal.
7. Green leafy vegetable
It is a MUST to eat green leafy vegetables in every meal.
People have often known how nutritious leafy greens (consider kale, spinach,
Swiss chard and lettuce -the darker the better because it is high in magnesium)
are, but still choose to exclude them from their diet (I am one of them). It
does take time to recondition the
subconscious mind to accept the tons of health benefits these vegetables
contribute to optimum health (I am still in the process but I know soon I will
be vegetable friendly).
What makes leafy greens so incredible is the extraordinary
amount of antioxidants and health promoting nutrients they manage to pack
inside of so few calories. Eating dark green leafy vegetables on a regular
basis can provide anti-aging benefits (Folate prevents Alzeimher's disease),
cancer and disease prevention and improve heart health.
Dark green leafy vegetables are very high in fiber. Fiber
helps make you feel fuller more quickly. Therefore, adding vegetables to your
diet is a great way to help you decrease calories without feeling deprived.
8. Yogurt
Yogurt is made through the fermentation of milk and adds
bacteria cultures into the milk. The process causes the transformation of sugar
and lactose into lactic acid. It carries healthy bacteria called "probiotics".
It is beneficial for those with gastrointestinal problems like lactose
intolerant, constipation, diarrhea, colon cancer, and inflammatory bowel
disease. These healthy bacterias helps fast easy digestion on the body thus
making absorption and metabolism faster.
9. Apples
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. There's truth in this
saying because apples have tons of benefits for your health. To mention a few
of them, apples help in lowering cholesterol. It has pectin, that helps
lower LDL (bad cholesterol). People who eat two or more apples a day can
possibly lower their cholesterol by as much as 10%.
It helps sthrengthen your bones. It is found to be the only
fruit in the world that contains flavanoid phloridzin. Studies suggest that
phloridzin protects post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and increases their
bone density.
Apples have a high concentration of water, fiber and are low
in calories. The fiber helps you feel full longer because it expands in your
stomach so it takes less food to satisfy your hunger.
10. Nuts and Grains
Most nuts and seeds have high fat content, but don't get
alarmed because they are the unsaturated. It means that they are healthy fats
and could easily be digested in the body. Macadamia, the gourmet of nuts, is
the highest in fat. Walnuts and Brazil nuts are highly recommended because
they're rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Of all the nuts, peanuts provide the most complete protein.
Other nuts are missing the amino acid lysine, which help reduce cholesterol,
repair of tissue and calcium absorption. Peanuts are rich in antioxidant
polyphenols like those found in berries. Studies indicate that roasting
actually increases the amount of polyphenol called p-coumaric, making roasted
peanuts a true protector of cells.
11. Beans
Both beans and meat have comparable amounts of protein. It
is a great choice for vegetarians, looking an alternative to meat. It does
provide tons of fiber that makes you feel fuller longer.
They are excellent sources of energy because they are high
in complex carbohydrates, characterize as good carbs that provide the energy
necessary to get you through the day.
I hope you are still with me because from this day on I am dedicating this health column for all the persons determined to lose weight the healthy and positive way. My countdown starts on the publication of this article and I hope you'll join me in this quest. And just for the records, I weigh 65 kilos now (height: 155cm), and my goal is to lose 10 kg in 6 months. So let's begin!
The first thing I learned was that, people are fat because of slow metabolism. This means that fat people burns calories slower than thin individuals. We don't need scientists to tell us that our metabolism slows with age (OUCH!). But do you know that an average woman gains 1 1/2 pounds a year during her adult life--enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she doesn't combat the roller coaster of hormones, muscle loss, and stress that conspires to slow her fat-burning engine. That is a bitter fact, but there is good news! There are foods that could boost up your metabolism.
1. Water
Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health. It also slow the signs of aging and improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, and wrinkles.
Take precautions when you take high amounts of green tea because it contains caffeine.
Just be sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, not instant oatmeal. Instant oatmeal usually has added sodium, and comes in the unsweetened, sweetened, flavored and unflavored form. The sweetened and flavored varieties have sugar, and so are not advisable in your goal to lose weight.
It usually comes in sticks or powdered form. For some variety, you could add cinnamon to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal, tea, unsweetened applesauce, toast, butter or cream cheese and coffee.
It does have a high amount of potassium in it. When taking apple cider vinegar, the potassium helps to flush the sodium content out of the body. This in turn can lead to less retained water and a loss of weight.
What makes leafy greens so incredible is the extraordinary amount of antioxidants and health promoting nutrients they manage to pack inside of so few calories. Eating dark green leafy vegetables on a regular basis can provide anti-aging benefits (Folate prevents Alzeimher's disease), cancer and disease prevention and improve heart health.