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Easy Graphics and Slideshows
There had been a time when I was really trying to find some unique of presenting the photos of my family to friends and relatives. I had tried PowerPoint but I was not satisfied with my work…as if something is really missing. And although I did compressed the file already, the mission to send it by email is impossible (or I just didn't know the proper way). Anyway, either way I have given up trying because it's just wasting my time.

Luckily, I found out (though a little bit too late already) from friends in Friendster that there are many ways to create slides for your photos. The best one that I encountered was this site called SLIDE. The features of the site were quite user-friendly and there are many ways to customize your design. There are many styles to choose from wherein you could change your theme, skin, effects and even add a background music.

See what I have done with the photos I had in Friendster. You could import photos from other sites like Photobucket, and Flickr. There's no limit to your creativity…so try it now and enjoy your photos.

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